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Cachorro “registra” aventuras inesquecíveis em Instagram

Aspen, o golden retriever destemido, já conquistou mais de 200 000 fãs com os cliques incríveis de suas viagens ao lado de sua família

Por Redação VEJA São Paulo Materia seguir SEGUIR Materia seguir SEGUINDO
Atualizado em 25 fev 2017, 19h55 - Publicado em 23 fev 2017, 17h57
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Aspen é um cachorro de sorte: natural do Texas, nos Estados Unidos, o golden retriever está vivendo uma aventura internacional com seus donos, Sarah e Hunter Lawrence. Ele adora longas caminhadas (e fica especialmente bonitão usando botas), andar de caiaque e esquiar — pode-se dizer que a mascote está conectada à natureza de uma maneira bastante forte.

Juntos, a família já visitou picos nevados, florestas conservadas e lagos no Canadá. Além das viagens internacionais, Aspen também visita muitos estados e belezas naturais dos Estados Unidos, indo do Colorado até às Montanhas Rochosas. “É melhor aproveitar o inverno nas montanhas“, diz uma das muitas legendas divertidas do perfil no Instagram, que já acumula mais de 200 000 seguidores. Confira: 

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Keepin it classy at 12,000 feet. Photo: @hunter_lawrence

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I think it's time to get ourselves a canoe or kayak and make this an every week kinda thing. I also think it's time to get our cabin in the mountains so this can be our everyday view!

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I can pretty much get what I want by giving people "that look." It's all in the eyes.

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Winter is best enjoyed in the mountains!

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I got so excited that Christmas is so close that I ran out and rolled all out in the snow!

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Taking hikes and jumping in lakes, it's all in a days work! Photo: @hunter_lawrence

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Skip those Black Friday lines today, it's way more fun out here! Hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving!

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Wait…are you my mother, large glacial lake? You sure look like me.

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Oh the weekend, you are far too fast…no worries, I'll be spending my Monday out here!

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In a forest full of Aspens…go figure! Happy Fall everyone, it's the best time of the year! 🍂

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Nothing but smiles on this face today…@sarah_michelle_lawrence and @hunter_lawrence and finally back from Europe!!

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All bundled up for this crazy spring storm here in Colorado! Photo: @hunter_lawrence

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Sooooo am I paddling this boat? Photo: @hunter_lawrence

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No big deal, just lounging on a frozen lake. How are you starting off your Monday? Photo: @hunter_lawrence

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"Hey dad, quick question, when are we getting off this boat?" 📷: @hunter_lawrence

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I made it to Canada with @hunter_lawrence and @sarah_michelle_lawrence! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 photo by @hunter_lawrence

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